October 2021
What’s Inside…
At the Desk – Things I’ve achieved with my Writing
From Our Garden – Flowers and seedlings
What’s hot in books – Favourite books
Things I’ve achieved with my writing...
The challenges of editing my third novel continues. With so much to learn in the indie publishing space, I have split my time between marketing and social media while still working on the edits of Betrayed Past. The most important lesson I've learnt this month is, even though I'm a one-woman-band, I still rely on others to help me with parts of my writing process. There are some wonderful people in my corner and this is a shout out to them and their continued support. They know who they are and how the help and guidance I got over the last month was invaluable, thank you.
I must admit to the twists and turns the editing has taken this month. Yet again my protagonist has shouted too loud for me to ignore her and I've loved where we've ended up with the edits. Maggie and Reuben's story seems to be throwing me in all directions. I'm really looking forward to see what's on the page at the end of this third edit.
Boost in flowers…
I had a bright idea for putting up some hanging baskets and I must say that I've loved the visual delight. My daughter spruced them up recently and the flowers are pleasing and colourful to the eye. Living in a rather dry area just out of Melbourne, we grow more succulents than flowers because they require a daily dose of water. Hubby and I have both been attentive to the needs of the hanging baskets and they are flourishing as a result.
The vegetable patch has been planted out with loads of summer veggies, but the ongoing rainfall has hampered some of the seedlings. October has been an extremely wet one in Melbourne this year. Let's hope the plants survive and the produce is bountiful in the coming months.
Lots has been happening on the business front which means finding time to read is a struggle. In saying that, I've managed to treat myself to a couple of wonderful books recently.
There's so much to say for this book, but nothing more important than 'Read It'. I loved the connection of the flowers to Alice's journey in The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart. Only recently have I been pushed beyond my comfort zone and so far so good. I'm meeting the challenge of each story I believed was beyond my scope. Even though I found this stretching me in places, I couldn't stop listening. Absolutely loved it.
Crackenback had a lot to live up to for me after I read Charlotte Pass, and I'm delighted to say this one didn't disappoint. I know the towns near where the story was set and was again drawn into the setting as I was in the first book. The characters were great and the story had me gripped the whole way through. I highly recommend this book.
Well, I think that's it for this catch up. Please stay safe and I'll speak to you again next time.
Take care from my writing buddies and me.